Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jayden Can Read

This has been a very good journey for us and we are very proud to announce that Jayden can read!!!

Jayden is a 16 months old, who is super active, with lots of energy and very social. His hobbies are: playing with his cars, balls, talking to people (he says "hi" to everyone he sees), running, climbing and READING BOOKS! He definitely loves to read books.

Many people who have met Jayden admire the fact that he can speak very early and clearly. At about 11 months, he started to talk some simple words like: flower, ball, car, pretty... (he say "pretty" to pretty girls/women :). And now, at 16 months, he can say most of the animals (tiger, rabbit, cow, frog, etc...) he can count from 1-8 (sometimes 9 and 10 but not there yet), recognizes some shapes like circle, square, and lots of other words. He can actually say 2 to 3 words at a time such as "how are you?" or "Buddy, sit"... (Buddy is his dog). Sometimes, he manages to say 4 sounds at a time such as " Buddy, sit down". He knows how to say "thank you" if you give him something he likes.

But most of all, we are so proud to say that: JAYDEN CAN READ! It started when he was about 12 months old. One day, I was trying to show him "A, B, C...". So I pointed at the letter "B" and said "B". He immediately pointed at the word "baby" and said "baby". I started to see him read some simple words like "toes" or "book". However, we were on a one month vacation and it was too busy for us to continue seeing his improvement. We got back from vacation a month ago, and we now able to watch Jayden more closely and realize that he can read a lot more words such as body parts: "mouth", "nose", "eyes", etc. or animals like "dog", "cat", "tiger", etc or other words such as "up", "baby", "book", etc.

Please check out the video below to see for yourself. It is extremely hard to videotape him becaus he knows each time we try to videotape him, he doesn't cooporate. However, we will try better next time. It is our first video of him reading and you would see that he would rather grab the note cards than try to read the words, but we promise to try again soon. Thank you and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. jayden is so smart... his voice is adorable... miss him lots xoxo
